Bold Community Reveals God’s Presence
We believe that God’s radical love and hospitality are open to all
Especially those who have been historically marginalized by Christianity. We respond to God’s call to embrace all of Creation. We pledge to practice hospitality, inclusivity, and respect.
Who We Are
We are a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and we are a “Reconciling in Christ” community, a formal way of saying that people of all races, genders, gender identities, abilities, sexual orientations, fashion sense, and political leanings are not only welcome, but embraced.
Not in Houston or the Montrose Neighborhood? Find a congregation near you that shares our value of welcoming and affirming (AND CELEBRATING!) all people and would be a safe community for LGBTQ persons by visiting these web resources: ReconcilingWorks.org and GayChurch.org
Our Table is a Safe Space
Our community is centered on hospitality and the power of a shared table. Tables are places to eat, connect, laugh, cry, pray, and be oneself. A table should be a place where people feel welcomed and safe. At +KINDRED, we lean into this concept.
According to research synthesized by TheTrevorProject.org, the biggest protective factor for LGBTQ+ people is SOCIAL SUPPORT. We know what it’s like to be unwelcome in a community, and we want you to know that +KINDRED is a safe space for you, no matter how you show up.
No matter your background or identity, you are welcome at our table every Sunday at 5:30 PM.
How We Show Up For Each Other
1. Advocacy: We are called to reduce suffering by responding to inequality, and seeking to give comfort, hope, and power to the dispossessed.
2. Feeding Each Other: We gather around the table to share a meal, wonder, and experience the holy in the faces of those around us
3. Helping Neighbors in Need: We provide access to resources within and outside of our walls
+KINDRED is a holy community created by everyone who comes to be a part of it.
Join Us For Dinner
Every Sunday 5:30 +KINDRED
2515 Waugh Dr, Houston, TX 77006