We always say that “+KINDRED is created by everyone who comes to be a part of it” and we mean that. If you show up and engage, we already consider you part of our family. But if you want a way to set your intentions, priorities, and commitments as a person stumbling through a life of faith with this community…then establishing a COVENANT gives you that opportunity.
What it means to be part of a community isn’t the same for everyone. We don’t believe that anyone has to earn their place by praying certain words or going to a membership class . A COVENANT OF BELONGING outlines a year commitment that reflects who you are, how you hope to live, and how we support one another in that way of life.
If you’re interested in learning more, download the COVENANT here. Then, sign up for our upcoming workshop.
Our next COVENANT SUNDAY to receive and bless those making COVENANT Commitments is April 10.